THE ONLY WOUND CARE STEP YOU WILL EVER NEED. From the minute you apply it, Steri-DVM gets to work. All without steroids or antibiotics. It is non-toxic and safe for use on all animals. And it will change the way you treat wounds going forward. For the better.
When applied provides an immediate, direct kill of all bacteria, fungus, and virus.
As it dries, a protective film forms to block harmful elements such as water, dirt, and germs from entering the wound. The flexible protective wound barrier also prevents oxygen entry which helps ‘jump start’ the healing process by reducing the number of free radicals that can damage tissue.
Carbon dioxide, which is infused into the liquid polymers during the manufacturing process, is released lowering the pH level of the wound to further promote healing. As the capillary system brings oxygen to the wound, the protective film barrier captures this oxygen which serves as the fuel for re-epithelialization (wound healing).